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Impactful Words Series

Impactful Words Series

A series of images containing super heroes and charatcers with an overlay of their trademark quotes and catchphrases.

Digital Illustrations

Digital Illustrations

Digital art mostly based around comics and pop/geek culture.

Logo Designs

Logo Designs

A collection of logos and mock ups done for business design competitions and in some cases just practice using made up businesses.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality



A chibi (ちび or チビ) is a form of stylized character drawing that originates in Japan. It is a style of caricature where characters are drawn in an exaggerated way: small and chubby, with stubby limbs and oversized heads.
I tend to use Chibis as the design focus for things such as charms/and keychains, T-shirts, etc.



Mostly hand drawn in charcoal/pencil and few digitally drawn portraits of mostly musicians and people pop culture

Promotional designs

Promotional designs

A promotional designs and mock ups such as flyers, brochures, and album covers done for events, businesses, musicians, and in some cases just templates to be used for later commissions.

Recent Creations

Recent Creations

Most recent creations from all categories

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